Green Chemistry Solutions by IBC

IBC has published extensively on the application of MRT™ products and systems in a broad array of markets and applications. Please click on the article of interest and we will be pleased to send it to you.

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Category Publication Title Publication Content Date Request
Green Chemistry, Green Engineering, Circular Economy, Metal Sustainability, Economics Charles J. Pedersen: Innovator in Macrocyclic Chemistry and Co-recipient of the 1987 Nobel Prize in Chemistry Izatt, R.M. 2007 Chemical Society Reviews, 36, 143-147

- Seminal role of Pedersen in the development of macrocyclic chemistry as a new field of research
- Organization of First Symposium on Macrocyclic Chemistry at Brigham Young University in 1977
- High metal selectivity stemming from Pedersen’s work and subsequent research at BYU makes possible green chemistry MRT™ processes capable of operating in a circular economy mode and leading to metal sustainability