Green Chemistry Solutions by IBC

IBC has published extensively on the application of MRT™ products and systems in a broad array of markets and applications. Please click on the article of interest and we will be pleased to send it to you.

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Category Publication Title Publication Content Date Request
Precious Metals: PGM, Gold, Silver Applications of MRT to Separations of Interest in Metal Recycling from Low-Level Waste Streams and Electronic Wastes Izatt, S.R. et al. 2011 Fray International Symposium, Cancun, Mexico, November 27-December 1

- Highly selective separation and recovery at high purity of palladium from low grade spent petroleum/petrochemical catalysts
- Highly selective separation and recovery at high purity of rhodium from platinum and base metals
- Substitution of highly selective MRT™ system for activated carbon column in a gold separation flowsheet