Green Chemistry Solutions by IBC

IBC has published extensively on the application of MRT™ products and systems in a broad array of markets and applications. Please click on the article of interest and we will be pleased to send it to you.

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Category Publication Title Publication Content Date Request
Toxic Metal Remediation: Mercury, Cadmium, Lead, Arsenic Molecular Recognition Processes Applicable to the Recovery of Specialty and Toxic Metals in Processing of Base Metal Ores Izatt, N.E. et al. 2014 ALTA 2014 Nickel-Cobalt-Copper, Uranium-REE and Gold-Precious Metals Conference, Perth, Australia, May 23 –31

- Mercury separation and recovery in sulfuric acid purification
- Highly selective lead separation and recovery from concentrated electroless nickel plating waste solutions
- Highly selective separation and recovery at high purity of lead allows for reuse or safe disposal rather than disposal to the environment